Slash Goggles:Owners' Manual


What Are Slash Goggles?

Usually this would be the part of the post where I would pull the definition from Urban Dictionary and then expand on things from there. But, I'm not going to do that this time because, well, that definition sucks. However, if you wanna see it, Here it is. Now, to me, slash goggles don't make you see things that necessarily aren't there, they make you see more than you normally would without them. I don't think that you see you're first slash pairing because you're wearing slash goggles. Its more along the lines of you obtain a pair of slash goggles after you see your first slashy pairing, which in turn opens your eyes to all the different wavelengths in the slash spectrum, so to speak.

And, just to clarify for those who weren't already made aware, Slash Goggles do not actually exist. You can't just run down to Walmart and pick up a pair, 'cuz, well, they're really just a metaphor.

How do they work?

Slash Goggles simply enhance your viewing of various TV shows and movies and sometimes even what you see in real life. Basically, you'll start to notice things about a certain pair of friends that maybe you never paid any mind to, such as how they look at each other when one of them might not be looking; how they seem to communicate with one another without having to say anything at all; how they touch each other way more than normal "best friends" should; how everything they say to one another seems to have some sort of innuendo attached to it ...etc.

The list is really endless. And you'll see it all. Though it might take some practice and multiple viewings to get the full effect of the pairing.

Terms of Use: Abuse and Cracks.

Once you acquire a pair of SG's, it is vital that you do not abuse that privilege. Slashers are not exactly the most, er, loved people in the fanfic community. Most people find the concept absolutely disgusting and will jump at any chance they get to crucify them. Now, what do I mean by abuse? I'm referring to "Slashing at first sight". I've touched upon it briefly and have already told you that it's a big no-no.

Slash is a lot like ghost hunting. You need evidence (sometimes stacks and stacks of it) to back up any pairing. Saying two people are doing it just because they're both sexy isn't evidence. That may be the initial reason that pairing caught your eye, but now you need to put those SG's to work and find something to back up your claims. If you can do that convincingly enough, you'll be able to turn anyone (and I mean anyone) into as slasher.

Now on to Cracks. When someone says "Wow, there are way too many cracks in my slash goggles!" they simply mean that they're seeing the slash between two people that one wouldn't normally put together. And, usually, these pairings are really people you'd never want to be together but you can see it happening. However, sometimes parings that you see through cracks end up being not as far fetched as you originally thought.

A Final Word of Caution...

Slash goggles are like plastic surgery, once you get it, it's pretty much a permanent fixture on your body. So beware, because once you start, you won't be able to stop.

Catch y'all on the flip side,


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